Lobster Molting In Real Time At Captain Joe and Sons Pictures

This process happened over the course of 10 minutes.  I captured it on video and here are the pictures.

The Lobster Molting In Real Time Video Can Be Seen Here



4 thoughts on “Lobster Molting In Real Time At Captain Joe and Sons Pictures

  1. That was absolutely amazing!! What a great video! I have been eating lobsters all my life and often wondered about this process of molting and how it actually happens, Now I know. Seriously though, You should send this in to one of the major stations like National Geo. or Animal Planet. I’ve yet to see something like this done on any program. You’ve got a winner here! Very informative. Thanks for the piece!!!!!


  2. Pingback: Disadvantage » Blog Archive » Pictures of molting
  3. If that was a blue crab the whole thing would be pan fried and placed between in a toasted sandwich with a little mayo. Can you do that to a jelly lobster?

    -Rubber Duck (wordpress is freeaking out)


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